Bollywood superstar Salman Khan’s health has taken a serious turn after undergoing hernia surgery, and his condition is now considered critical. According to reports from a team of special doctors, Salman will need to remain in the hospital for several more days as his recovery is being closely monitored.
Aishwarya Rai, upon hearing the distressing news of Salman’s deteriorating health, became visibly emotional and even broke down in tears. The actress rushed to the hospital to visit Salman and expressed deep concern for his condition. “Salman’s health is very weak right now, and due to this weakness, he is unable to even speak properly,” Aishwarya shared after her visit. Despite the dire circumstances, she remains hopeful, stating, “I have faith that Salman will soon fight through this dangerous illness and return home safely.”
Aishwarya also made an emotional appeal to Salman’s fans and well-wishers. She requested that everyone join in praying for his speedy recovery during this challenging time. “We should all come together and pray for Salman’s health, so he can overcome this tough phase and return to his home healthy,” she urged.
Doctors have revealed that Salman Khan still requires another surgery related to his hernia, and his current condition is quite fragile. His extreme weakness has left him unable to consume solid food, so he has been placed on a complete liquid diet. Medical experts have advised him to take complete bed rest and refrain from any form of work or stress during this time.
As Salman Khan continues his battle, his fans around the world are rallying behind him, hoping for his quick recovery. In the meantime, Aishwarya Rai’s visit and her heartfelt plea have highlighted the gravity of the situation, and her words have inspired many to keep Salman in their thoughts and prayers during this difficult journey to recovery.