In recent weeks, rumors have been swirling about potential marital issues between Bollywood’s beloved couple, Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan. The gossip gained momentum when Abhishek attended the high-profile wedding of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant without Aishwarya by his side. Instead, Aishwarya arrived separately with their daughter, Aaradhya, leading many to speculate that all is not well between the two.

Further fueling these rumors was Abhishek’s activity on social media. Fans were quick to notice that he liked a post related to divorce, sparking further speculation that the couple might be heading for separation. Adding to the intrigue, there were unconfirmed reports that Aishwarya had moved out of the Bachchan family residence, which only heightened the speculation among fans and media alike.


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However, there have been some signs that suggest the situation might not be as dire as the rumors imply. Recently, Abhishek was spotted driving a car with the number plate 5050, a number reportedly favored by Aishwarya. Additionally, just a few weeks ago, Abhishek liked a post on social media celebrating Aishwarya’s appearance at the Cannes Film Festival, a gesture that reassured some fans.

Despite the ongoing chatter, neither Aishwarya Rai nor Abhishek Bachchan has issued any official statement regarding these separation rumors. Their silence has left fans in suspense, but many continue to hope that the couple, who tied the knot in 2007 and have been a prominent part of Bollywood’s power couples, will remain together. As of now, the truth behind the rumors remains unclear, and fans are left to speculate and hope for the best.

In the meantime, the world watches closely, eager for any official word from the couple that might put these rumors to rest once and for all