In recent days, a video purportedly showing Bollywood actor Abhishek Bachchan announcing his divorce from Aishwarya Rai has taken social media by storm. The video, which quickly went viral, claims that the couple decided to part ways in July, leading to widespread speculation and concern among their fans.




The video features what appears to be Abhishek discussing the reasons for the divorce, even mentioning their daughter, Aaradhya. For many, this video seemed to confirm the longstanding rumors of trouble in paradise for the power couple, who have been married since 2007. Abhishek’s alleged statement in the video added fuel to these rumors, especially given his recent activity on social media, where he reportedly liked a post about divorce.

However, the authenticity of the video has been called into question. Observers have pointed out clear inconsistencies, particularly in the lip-syncing, which doesn’t match Abhishek’s words. This discrepancy has led many to suspect that the video is a deepfake—a product of artificial intelligence technology designed to manipulate footage.


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The revelation that the video might be fake has not stopped it from spreading across social media platforms, where opinions are sharply divided. While many fans and social media users have dismissed the video as a hoax, condemning those responsible for spreading it, others have been taken in by the content, believing it to be genuine.

As the controversy continues to unfold, it serves as a reminder of the growing influence of AI technology in shaping public perceptions. The potential for deepfakes to create misleading and harmful content is becoming an increasing concern, particularly in the world of celebrities where rumors can quickly spiral out of control.

For now, both Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai have remained silent on the matter, leaving the truth behind their relationship status shrouded in mystery. As fans await clarification, the incident underscores the importance of critical thinking and caution in the face of digital content that may not be what it seems.