The Bachchan family, one of Bollywood’s most prominent dynasties, has once again found itself in the spotlight. The cause this time is an old video of Jaya Bachchan, which has resurfaced and quickly gone viral, igniting discussions across social media platforms. The video has brought attention to the long-rumored tensions within the family, particularly between Aishwarya Rai, her husband Abhishek Bachchan, and her in-laws.
In the video, Jaya Bachchan makes a clear distinction between the roles of a daughter-in-law and a daughter. She states bluntly that Aishwarya is her “bahu” (daughter-in-law) and not her “beti” (daughter), emphasizing the inherent differences between these two roles within a family. This statement, delivered in Jaya’s typically straightforward manner, has sparked considerable controversy online.
During an interview featured in the video, Jaya was asked if she has ever been strict with Aishwarya after her marriage to Abhishek. Jaya responded by explaining that it is not her responsibility to be tough on Aishwarya; that duty belongs to Aishwarya’s mother. She further elaborated that there is a fundamental difference in how parents and in-laws should interact with their children and children-in-law. This statement seems to underline the fact that Jaya does not see Aishwarya in the same light as she would her own daughter, Shweta Bachchan.
As soon as the video began circulating on social media, it sparked a wave of reactions. Many have criticized Jaya for her seemingly rigid stance, with some even labeling her as a “strict mother-in-law.” Fans of Aishwarya Rai, in particular, have taken to social media to express their displeasure, accusing Jaya of being unfair to the actress. The timing of this video’s resurgence has also fueled speculation that Jaya and Aishwarya’s relationship has always been strained.
This incident sheds light on the typical “saas-bahu” (mother-in-law and daughter-in-law) dynamics that are common in many Indian households. The complexities of these relationships are well-known, and Jaya’s comments have only reignited the debate on the expectations and roles of women in such familial structures.
The viral video and the resulting controversy highlight the challenges that come with being part of a high-profile family. While these tensions are often kept behind closed doors, the public’s fascination with the Bachchan family means that even the smallest comments can quickly become headline news.
As the story continues to unfold, one thing remains clear: the dynamics within the Bachchan household are as complex as ever, and the public’s interest in them is unlikely to wane anytime soon.