Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh surprised everyone by deleting all his Instagram posts before 2023, including his wedding pictures with Deepika Padukone.
There are reports about Deepika being pregnant and the possibility of a divorce in such a scenario would be devastating for both. Fans of both actors are very scared.
People are wondering if this is just another celebrity couple headed for a split. Now much to the relief of their fans, Ranveer’s PR team clarified that he didn’t delete the photos, he just moved them to an archive. Deepika still has their wedding pictures up on her Instagram.
It seems like they’re just changing their social media strategy, not necessarily facing big problems. And leaked photos of them enjoying a vacation (Babymoon) suggest they’re doing okay.
His team says, “Ranveer and Deepika’s wedding in November 2018, blending Sindhi and Konkani traditions, remains a cherished memory for the couple, regardless of its visibility on social media.”
Some people think Ranveer might be doing this for attention since his career isn’t doing so well right now.
Deepika Padukone would be next seen opposite Prabhas in the much-awaited Kalki 2898 AD which is scheduled to release on June 27, as per latest reports.