Abhishek Bachchan has recently become the center of attention after a video discussing his impending divorce from Aishwarya Rai went viral. In this emotionally charged video, Abhishek openly talks about the struggles he and Aishwarya have faced, ultimately leading to their decision to part ways. The actor revealed that they had decided to divorce in July, a decision that has been difficult, especially because of their daughter Aaradhya. Abhishek’s candid revelations have left fans and the media in shock as he discusses the reasons behind their separation.





The video also sheds light on the strained relationship between Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek’s mother, Jaya Bachchan. Abhishek disclosed that his mother and wife rarely communicated with each other when they were living under the same roof. Jaya Bachchan, known for her fiery temper, has often made headlines for her outbursts, and according to Abhishek, this tension extended to her interactions with Aishwarya.

Adding to the complexity of the situation, Abhishek’s sister, Shweta Bachchan, has been accused of exacerbating the family rift. Shweta is reportedly jealous of Aishwarya’s success and has often criticized her sister-in-law’s acting skills, her ability to manage the household, and even her role as a wife. This jealousy, coupled with the already tense relationship between Jaya and Aishwarya, seems to have created a toxic environment within the Bachchan household.

The news of their divorce comes as a shock to many, given that Abhishek and Aishwarya were once considered one of Bollywood’s most powerful couples. Their relationship has been admired by fans for years, making the rumors of their separation all the more surprising. Speculation about their marital issues gained momentum after the couple was seen attending a recent high-profile wedding separately—Aishwarya arrived with their daughter Aaradhya, while the rest of the Bachchan family attended together.

Further fueling the rumors, Abhishek inadvertently liked a social media post about divorce, which has only intensified the speculation that the couple is indeed heading towards a split. As fans grapple with the news, many are left wondering whether this once iconic couple can reconcile or if their separation is inevitable.