For months, rumors about the possible divorce between Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan have been making headlines. Amidst these speculations, a video of Abhishek Bachchan surfaced, where he was reportedly heard saying that he and Aishwarya had decided to part ways in July. This revelation has led to widespread media reports suggesting that all is not well between the couple.

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According to these reports, it is believed that Aishwarya Rai Bachchan has taken the bold step of breaking away from the traditional ways of the Bachchan family by filing for divorce. Historically, no one in the Bachchan family has ever gone through a divorce, making this decision all the more significant. This longstanding tradition of maintaining marital ties was seen as a possible reason for the couple not to divorce, despite any differences that may have arisen between them.

The reports further suggest that despite the speculated differences, Abhishek and Aishwarya were expected to maintain their relationship for the sake of their daughter. However, Aishwarya reportedly chose to prioritize her well-being and the future of her daughter by stepping away from a potentially harmful environment.

9 times when Aishwarya rolled her eyes at us! - Rediff.com9 times when Aishwarya rolled her eyes at us! - Rediff.com9 times when Aishwarya rolled her eyes at us! -

The video has stirred conversations, with many fans and media outlets discussing the possible implications of this development. As the story continues to unfold, the public remains eager to see how the couple navigates this challenging phase of their lives.