A few months ago, superstar Shah Rukh Khan had a health scare after he suffered a heat stroke on May 21 in Ahmedabad when he attended a cricket match of his IPL franchise Kolkata Knight Riders. The star was hospitalized in the Gujarat city and was discharged a day later. And now, Bollywood Hungama has got the information that Shah Rukh has once again sought medical help, this time for his eyes.
#Shah Rukh Khan
SCOOP: Shah Rukh Khan to seek urgent medical attention in USA after eye treatment in Mumbai does not go as planned?
A source told us, “Shah Rukh Khan had gone to a hospital in Mumbai on Monday, July 29 for an eye treatment. The treatment didn’t go as planned.”
The source continued, “SRK is now being rushed to the USA to rectify the damage.” It is expected that the superstar will fly to the foreign country either today or tomorrow, that is, Tuesday, July 30.
The source, however, didn’t have any information on the treatment that Shah Rukh Khan underwent and what went wrong. Bollywood Hungama reached out to Shah Rukh Khan’s manager Pooja Dadlani but she did not respond to our calls and messages.
This is the second instance of a celebrity having eye issues in recent times. Last week, Jasmine Bhasin suffered greatly after wearing lenses in Delhi. The picture of the actress with both her eyes bandaged went viral. Her interview also shocked readers especially when she said that her corneas were damaged and that she was not able to see anything. Some days later, however, she confirmed that she recovered gradually.
On the work front, Shah Rukh Khan is expected to start shooting for Sujoy Ghosh’s film King, co-starring his daughter Suhana Khan along with Abhishek Bachchan. He’ll also be seen in the sequel to his record-breaking blockbuster, Pathaan (2023).