An image featuring former Indian cricketer Sachin Tendulkar being arrested has gone viral on social media. The image includes the masthead of the media outlet The Hindu.
A social media user posted the arrest image on Facebook, captioned in English, “Breaking News: The allegations have been confirmed. Will Sachin Tendulkar be marked forever?”
NewsMobile fact-checked the claim and found it to be false.
We began our investigation by conducting a keyword search regarding Sachin Tendulkar’s arrest, but couldn’t find any reports to corroborate the claim. Since the post implied that the report was published by The Hindu, we further checked its website but found no such article.
Upon closely examining the viral image, we noticed several discrepancies. The police officer’s gun holster is closed and poorly designed, with no gun inside. The police uniforms lack stars, and the person standing behind with sunglasses has uneven eyes. Additionally, the badges on the police uniforms are unclear.
To further verify the image, we ran it through multiple AI image detection tools, including Is It AI? and Hugging Face. The results confirmed that the viral image is AI-generated.
(Source: Is It AI?)
(Source: Hugging Face)
Hence, it is evident that the viral image is AI-generated.