Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan was admitted to a hospital in Ahmedabad after suffering a heat stroke. Heat stroke is a medical emergency, as it is the most severe type of heat injury. It occurs when the external temperature rises to such a level that the body cannot produce enough sweat to control the core temperature, which can reach 40 degrees Celsius
Shah Rukh Khan travelled to Ahmedabad to witness his Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) play Sunrisers Hyderabad in the Indian Premier League (IPL) on Tuesday. Image Courtesy: @kkriders/Instagram
Bollywood king Shah Rukh Khan was admitted to a hospital in Ahmedabad after suffering a heat stroke on Tuesday.
The actor was in Ahmedabad to witness his Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) play Sunrisers Hyderabad in the Indian Premier League (IPL), where KKR won the game, securing a spot in the IPL final on Sunday.
“The actor was suffering from dehydration amid a high temperature of 45 degrees Celsius in Ahmedabad. He is under medical observation, although his health is stable. Security has been tightened around the hospital,” news agency IANS reported, quoting sources.
According to the Economic Times, SRK has been discharged from multi-speciality K D Hospital on Thursday.
Here is how heat affects our body and how to prevent heat strokes during extreme temperatures in India.
Heat stroke
Heat stroke is a medical emergency, as it is the most severe type of heat injury.
It occurs when the external temperature rises to such a level that the body cannot produce enough sweat to control the core temperature, which can reach 40 degrees Celsius, as per Indian Express.
Salts like sodium and potassium are severely out of balance in the body in these situations. This results in a variety of symptoms brought on by the disruption of organs.
Hyperthermia and heat illness are other terms for heat stroke.
It frequently develops from less severe heat-related conditions such as heat exhaustion, heat syncope (fainting), and cramping.